Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Duke Farms

CitiLog president and founder, Maria and Stubby Warmbold, had a wonderful visit to Duke Farms recently to discuss future collaborations and get a tour of their amazing facility. Here are Stubby and Kathy Salisbury, Duke Farms' Team Leader for Education, with one of their electric cars! Duke Farms is a beautiful place in Hillsborough, New Jersey that we greatly encourage everyone to explore, especially with beautiful spring weather approaching!

Monday, April 15, 2013

CitiLog Visits Anheuser-Busch

Last week, a few members of the CitiLog Team, visited Anheuser-Busch in Newark and had a successful meeting filled with positive collaboration opportunities. We met with Lindsey Aeillo, Anheuser-Busch's Environmental Manager, and learned they have many of the same green initiatives as us. Also present for the meeting were representatives from the Newark Habitat for Humanity. CitiLog is working to collaborate with both of these influential companies to provide material for the 2013 Habitat project. Newark businesses working for a greener tomorrow!

At Anheuser-Busch

At Anheuser-Busch

We even got a tour of the Anheuser-Busch plant!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Think Bigger

This plaque was crafted from a unique slab of Curly Maple with CitiLog Founder, Stubby Warmbold's quote "Think Bigger...big is not enough." The edges were stained to add dimension to the wall plaque.

The quote signifies the importance of never losing ambition, while always encouraging big ideas and taking risks.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

CitiLog White Oak Collection

Our CitiLog designer, Emma Tinsman, is at it again! She designed a beautiful, custom-made White Oak side board for a private residence. This side board is part of the same collection as the White Oak island that we featured previously. Both pieces of furniture, constructed out of upcycled urban wood from the CitiLog Newark Sawmill, have stainless steel accents and hardware that add to their unique aesthetic. 

White Oak Side Board
White Oak Side Board
White Oak Island
White Oak Island

Monday, February 18, 2013

A very sunny and productive Friday!

Friday was a great day at the sawmill. Everyone was busy, and the sun was out as an added bonus. We wish the warm weather lasted a few days longer. Here are some wonderful pictures we wanted to share!

Trucker off-loading more "Sandy Logs"

John working on the power unit

Glen preparing some tools for the day

John instructing one of our key men

Lloyd and Bruce laying out base for the conveyor 

Beautifully unique urban logs

Willem working on the metal detector system

Sawing large diameter logs on the Mighty Might

Monday, February 11, 2013

Survived Snow Storm Nemo!

We are very happy that snow storm Nemo has passed- even though we got hit with quite a bit of snow, this is considered nothing compared to folks further north who got over 2'! As you know, we love pictures of our logs covered in snow- they look so beautiful, so here is another one to check out! Some CitiLog workers put in a few hours on Saturday in order to clear the paths of snow so log trucks can still access our sawmill to drop off logs.

Good thing most of our machinery, such as the main saw, is protected by our hoop structure so we are still able to saw. This great picture was taken by Bryce, CitiLog Employee. An upcycled tree sawn into industrial board- fresh off of the saw!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

"Advice From A Tree"

An image we love! Everyone should take this great "Advice From A Tree".

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Shipping out some product!

Here is a great shot taken yesterday in Newark at the sawmill. This is a load of truck dunnage that CitiLog cut from upcycled urban logs. Dunnage is used on trucks to secure the load they are transporting. In this one shipment we sent out, there are about 500 boards that are 4"x6"x8'.

If you are looking to learn more or place an order, please give us a call at 908-735-8871

Friday, January 18, 2013

CitiLog Article in The Hunterdon County Democrat

Thank you Rick Epstein and The Hunterdon County Democrat for a great article! It is great to have people sharing in our vision and helping spread the word.

Read it here

Friday, January 11, 2013

Another Site Visit!

Yesterday, one of our CitiLog craftsmen came to the sawmill to pick out some beautiful logs for future projects. The weather was gorgeous and we had a great time! For the few hours we were there, we saw three loads of logs get dropped off. It is hard to believe, with such little room left, our piles are still growing!

Woodworkers are king of the hill!

Checking out different species

Another pile
Here comes a load of logs!

A log truck dumping a load of logs

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Visit from Prudential

Today, we were lucky enough to have Cindy Hu from Prudential visit the Newark sawmill and see the saw running! This is a very exciting and pivotal event in CitiLog's journey of upcycling urban logs.

Cindy Hu, Manager of Social Investments for Prudential, entering the saw cab to watch the saw run!

Offloading the sawn logs

More logs loaded on the feed deck to be sawn

Monday, January 7, 2013

Main Saw

Our main saw is up and running at CitiLog Newark!
Main Saw Running at Newark